The Solar System

  1. 6. The northern light
  2. 7. Known as a dirty snowball
  3. 8. Closest to the sun
  4. 9. Our galaxy
  5. 10. Minor planet
  6. 12. Farthest from the sun
  7. 15. Contains the largest volcano in the solar system
  8. 16. Earth's natural satellite
  9. 19. Only planet known to support life
  10. 20. Know for it's rings
  1. 1. A shooting star
  2. 2. Fastest rotating planet
  3. 3. Without this our solar system would collapse and be none excitant
  4. 4. Between Mars and Jupiter
  5. 5. A distant sun
  6. 11. The star at the center of our solar system
  7. 13. Discovered in 1781
  8. 14. The planets path
  9. 17. Now called a dwarf planet
  10. 18. Hottest planet in the solar system