The Solar System

  1. 3. System The sun and all of the objects that orbit around the sun
  2. 5. This body orbits around the Earth but it does not rotate
  3. 7. This is the last of the gas planets and the furthest planet from the sun
  4. 8. Planets These planets have a solid surface made of rock
  5. 10. The biggest planet in the Solar System
  6. 14. This is the imaginary line that runs and south that the Earth rotates on
  7. 15. This is the smallest planet in our Solar System
  8. 16. This planet has the most rings
  9. 17. small, frozen mass of dust and gas revolving around the sun
  1. 1. This planet has toxic carbon dioxide in it's atmosphere which makes it impossible for humans to survive in
  2. 2. Large, round bodies in outer space that revolve around a star
  3. 4. These bodies are sometimes called shooting stars when they enter the Earth's atmosphere
  4. 6. Year This is how long it takes the Earth to revolve around the Sun
  5. 9. Chunks of rock and metal in orbit around the sun
  6. 11. This planet is sometimes called the topsy-turvy planet because it spins on its side
  7. 12. This planet has a very thin atmosphere which makes it very, very cold
  8. 13. Planets These planets have no hard surface
  9. 18. 2/3 of this planet's surface is covered with water