The Solar System

  1. 2. / the natural satellite
  2. 7. / the sixth planet from the sun
  3. 9. / the second planet from the sun
  4. 11. / a region of space having a gravitational field so intense not even life can get out
  5. 13. / a fixed luminous point in the sky
  6. 15. / fifth planet from the sun
  7. 16. / a fictional being from anther world
  8. 18. / no longer considered a planet
  9. 20. / a small body of matter from outer space
  1. 1. / this star sustains life on earth
  2. 3. / the path taken by a planet or a moon
  3. 4. / forth planet from the sun
  4. 5. / the seventh planet from the sun
  5. 6. / the planet closest to the sun
  6. 8. / small rocky body orbiting he sun
  7. 10. / make up our solar system
  8. 12. / the physical universe beyond the earths atmosphere
  9. 14. / the eight planet from the sun
  10. 17. / a celestial object consisting of a nucleus of ice and dust
  11. 19. / the planet we live on