The Solar System

  1. 2. Venus have vigorous convection that cause the surface to ______
  2. 3. Both Earth and Mars experience ________ due to their axial tilt
  3. 8. this planet has an axis of rotation in its orbital plane around the Sun
  4. 10. existance can determine if geologic activity is present of planet
  5. 12. All planets orbit in the same __________.
  6. 14. mecchanizm which causes magnetic fields on planets or moons
  7. 15. Most planets have orbits that are very close to a _________.
  8. 16. magnetic fields on terrestrial planets produced from this material in liquid state
  9. 18. the strong magentic field of Jupiter is a result of this material
  10. 21. Method by which terrestrial planets formed
  11. 22. a satellite of Neptune that has a Nitrogen atmosphere
  12. 23. reside in a belt between Mars and Jupiter
  13. 25. Approximate age of the Solar System (rounded)
  14. 27. Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune all have ____ that surround them
  15. 28. Both Venus and Mars have ________ produced by hot spots
  1. 1. the gas element that colors Uranus and Neptune Blue/Green
  2. 4. The most widely accepted theory for the formation of our Solar System
  3. 5. Europa is covered with a smooth layer of ______ ice over a rocky interior
  4. 6. this was once considered a planet, but is now considered a Trans-Neptunian Object
  5. 7. The speed at which gas in atmospheres of planets must have to permanently leave the planet
  6. 9. Term for a "pre-sun" before nuclear reactions begin in the core
  7. 11. Gas Giant with a long lived storm (100's of years!)
  8. 13. The four inner planets
  9. 17. The nebular gas cloud from which the Solar System formed was thought to be composed of mainly this element
  10. 19. Galilean satellite that has a lot of on-going volcanic activity
  11. 20. Both Venus and Mar have atmospheres that are 95% of what molecule?
  12. 24. Would float in your bath tub
  13. 26. This planet rotates almost at the same rate as Earth, but takes twice as long to orbit the Sun
  14. 28. This planet rotates in a retrograde direction
  15. 29. sometimes referred to as "dirty snowballs"