- 2. Venus have vigorous convection that cause the surface to ______
- 3. Both Earth and Mars experience ________ due to their axial tilt
- 8. this planet has an axis of rotation in its orbital plane around the Sun
- 10. existance can determine if geologic activity is present of planet
- 12. All planets orbit in the same __________.
- 14. mecchanizm which causes magnetic fields on planets or moons
- 15. Most planets have orbits that are very close to a _________.
- 16. magnetic fields on terrestrial planets produced from this material in liquid state
- 18. the strong magentic field of Jupiter is a result of this material
- 21. Method by which terrestrial planets formed
- 22. a satellite of Neptune that has a Nitrogen atmosphere
- 23. reside in a belt between Mars and Jupiter
- 25. Approximate age of the Solar System (rounded)
- 27. Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune all have ____ that surround them
- 28. Both Venus and Mars have ________ produced by hot spots
- 1. the gas element that colors Uranus and Neptune Blue/Green
- 4. The most widely accepted theory for the formation of our Solar System
- 5. Europa is covered with a smooth layer of ______ ice over a rocky interior
- 6. this was once considered a planet, but is now considered a Trans-Neptunian Object
- 7. The speed at which gas in atmospheres of planets must have to permanently leave the planet
- 9. Term for a "pre-sun" before nuclear reactions begin in the core
- 11. Gas Giant with a long lived storm (100's of years!)
- 13. The four inner planets
- 17. The nebular gas cloud from which the Solar System formed was thought to be composed of mainly this element
- 19. Galilean satellite that has a lot of on-going volcanic activity
- 20. Both Venus and Mar have atmospheres that are 95% of what molecule?
- 24. Would float in your bath tub
- 26. This planet rotates almost at the same rate as Earth, but takes twice as long to orbit the Sun
- 28. This planet rotates in a retrograde direction
- 29. sometimes referred to as "dirty snowballs"