The Son Embodies Divine Love

  1. 2. Love is not A_________
  2. 4. It is the Love for Christ Jesus that T_________ us
  3. 9. The N_____ of Love
  4. 10. Without Love we have N________
  5. 12. The C_____ of Love
  6. 13. L_____ is from God
  7. 14. Love E______ all things
  8. 15. The Son E_______ divine Love
  1. 1. We must Love others S________
  2. 3. The P_____ of Love
  3. 5. God in His N_____ is Love
  4. 6. God sent His S_____
  5. 7. Love is not B_________
  6. 8. We must Love one A_______
  7. 11. God's Son was our atoning S_____ for our sins
  8. 14. Jesus Christ gave us the E_____ of sacrificial Love