- 3. The name given to the formation used by the Spanish to sail up the English Channel
- 6. The most famous leader of the English naval fleet
- 10. The religion of the Spanish
- 12. The English sent these into the Spanish fleet
- 13. These were lit by the English when the Armada was sighted
- 15. These destroyed almost half of the Spanish Fleet
- 16. Sir Francis Drake was rumoured to be playing this whilst the Spanish ships approached
- 17. A key battle which took place between the English and Spanish ships
- 18. The name given to the Spanish fleet of ships
- 1. The Spanish were forced to sail across this stretch of water because they could not return to Spain using the English Channel
- 2. Name of the English Queen
- 4. The Spanish used these to board ships
- 5. The Spanish went to France to wait for soldiers from here
- 7. Leader of the English naval fleet
- 8. The religion of the English
- 9. A Spanish Ship
- 11. The leader of the Spanish fleet was the Duke of Medina .......
- 14. The Spanish King