The Spleen Channel

  1. 4. SP7 contraindication
  2. 5. name of the natural point on the Spleen channel
  3. 6. SP8 is often combined with this point in cases of acute dysmenorrhea
  4. 8. SP19 is indicated for chest pain that radiates to this area
  5. 9. contraindication of SP6
  6. 11. Number of points on the Spleen channel
  7. 12. SP2 belongs to which of the five elements
  8. 14. SP10 point name
  9. 15. SP6 meets with these channels
  1. 1. SP2 harmonizes this jiao
  2. 2. deep needling SP16 may penetrate this organ if it is enlarged
  3. 3. SP14 has a strong effect on this region
  4. 7. SP14, SP15 and SP16 are located on the lateral border of this muscle
  5. 10. SP4 is the confluent point for this vessel
  6. 13. name of the point indicated for accumulation of food