The Spooky Roads

  1. 5. A system used by the Mongols to send messages fast
  2. 6. Holy wars that were fought for the pope and the church
  3. 9. Huge Chinese Ships
  4. 11. New Confucianism
  5. 13. What did Buddhist monks use to collect money in China
  6. 16. Sails that Dhows used
  7. 17. When the ruler is the king and the pope its called___
  8. 19. A population number of a region or country
  9. 20. A roadside inn that was on the silk road
  1. 1. The Korean Language
  2. 2. Chinese paper money
  3. 3. Killed off 2/3 of the European population
  4. 4. A system developed by the Chinese that surveys and checks all the services in the government
  5. 7. Ships that used lanteen sails that were also Chinese
  6. 8. A form of Buddhism that was developed in Japan
  7. 10. Wat Temple in Java that was used by Buddhists and Hinuds
  8. 12. A city that was very wealthy and also was on the strategic point between Indian and China
  9. 14. Battuta He started in Africa and documented his entire travel
  10. 15. A very important CANAL that was built and used by the Chinese for wealth,trade,etc
  11. 18. Musa Caused inflation throughout his pilgrimage to Mecca