The State

  1. 2. believe that to do objective research, one has to be ___ free
  2. 5. ____ power is the power of government to enforce obedience from the people in the promotion of public health, morals, or safety, and the general well-being of the community
  3. 9. ___ theory explains that "the state is the product of growth, a slow and steady evolution extending over a long period of time and ultimately shaping itself into the complex structure of a modern state
  4. 13. involves the attempt to change the behavior of other through persuasion and not be threats or force
  5. 16. this approach is concerned with the study of formal structures and institutions like legislature, executive, and judiciary
  6. 17. is a government in which supreme and final authority is in the hands of a single person
  7. 18. is an approach that emphasizes that political science research should be meaningful, that it should address urgent political problems
  8. 19. answerability or responsibility for one's action
  9. 22. emphasizes testing and verifying everything
  10. 24. this approach is concerned with the legal process, legal bodies, or institutions, justice and independence
  11. 27. meeting the needs
  12. 28. is a government by elected officials
  13. 30. is a government in which political power is exercised by few privileged classes
  14. 31. violence is the form of police action, imprisonment, punishment of war
  1. 1. ___ authority stems from an individual's extraordinary personal qualities and from that individual's hold over followers because of these qualities
  2. 3. the manner in which power is exercised in the management of a country's economic and social resources for development
  3. 4. a definite portion of the surface of the earth which is the subject of the jurisdiction and sovereign rights of a state in accordance with the international law.
  4. 6. the exercise of power, exercise of authority, the making of collective decisions, the allocation of scarce resources, the practice of deception and manipulation.
  5. 7. is a political and economic ideology which states that individuals are free
  6. 8. active involvement of all affected and interested parties in the decision-making process
  7. 10. is the inherent power of the sovereign, exercised through legislature
  8. 11. ___ domain: the power of the nation or a sovereign state to take, or to authorize the taking of, private property for a public use without the owner's consent, conditioned upon payment of just compensation
  9. 12. proper utilization of resources
  10. 14. water territory
  11. 15. is a society of inhabitants of a specific geographic region united and bound together by a common racial ancestry, the same language and culture, historical past, laws and a shared interests and sentiments over the passing of many years
  12. 20. put emphasis on the use of those research tools and methods which generate valid, reliable, and comparative data
  13. 21. means that the institutions and processes serve all stakeholders in a timely and appropriate manner
  14. 23. law that people express their will and exercise their sovereignty
  15. 25. air territory
  16. 26. refers to the inhabitants or population of a particular territory.
  17. 29. is a social being