the stone age💚

  1. 5. were buried underneth the house
  2. 6. the title of this unit
  3. 9. what people used for light, warmth, and cooking
  4. 10. another word for farming
  5. 13. beginning of humanity to 12,000 b.c.
  6. 15. Something to get from trees, bushes, grass
  1. 1. A dangerous way to get food in the forest
  2. 2. what did people use to kill animals
  3. 3. what is the new stone age called
  4. 4. a new way to get food
  5. 7. how people got onto the roof
  6. 8. the age of cave people
  7. 11. how people comiunicated in the old stone age
  8. 12. the first city ever made was
  9. 14. how the people in the new stone age got into their houses