"The Stranger" Crossword

  1. 1. lawyer in Meursault’s opposite side
  2. 3. Raymond friend with a beach house
  3. 5. manager who managed where Meursault’s mother lived
  4. 7. what happened to Meursault’s mom
  5. 10. Meursault’s girlfriend
  6. 11. owner of a café and Meursault’s friend
  7. 14. priest who tried to change Meursault’s faith
  8. 15. officer who questions Meursault a bunch
  9. 17. first name of the book’s author
  10. 18. rageful old neighbor
  11. 19. Salamano’s pet type
  1. 2. Perez very close person to Meursault’s mom
  2. 4. country where everything happens
  3. 6. place where the murder was committed
  4. 8. Stranger name of the book
  5. 9. word used to describe Raymond
  6. 10. name of protagonist
  7. 12. Raymond’s last name
  8. 13. abusive neighbor
  9. 16. name of Raymond’s mistress brother