The Stranger Vocab

  1. 2. A verb that means to appease.
  2. 3. The day was ________ when I missed my bus, I am going to have to stay up later now doing my homework.
  3. 8. The lions roar was _____________.
  4. 9. (adj) Something that is pointless
  5. 12. (adj) Lacking energy, moving slowly
  6. 13. (n) Reckless boldness
  7. 14. (v) To express criticism
  8. 18. To punish in order to correct, to criticize severely.
  9. 21. He was so ___________ to other students in class the teachers found it bothersome.
  10. 22. Moderate or small quantity.
  1. 1. (adj) Angered and annoyed at something unjust
  2. 4. An adjective that means "Given to immoral or improper conduct."
  3. 5. My friends think I have good grades because it is __________, but my report card says different.
  4. 6. (noun) Dislike- leads to avoidance
  5. 7. (adj) Precise or careful in actions or words
  6. 10. He had great _______ to get him through the scary life changes.
  7. 11. I could not tell how he felt because he had a _______ look on his face.
  8. 15. She was very _____ because she always brought everyone cookies.
  9. 16. I thought she was __________ because she stepped on my new shoes.
  10. 17. (noun) Intense feelings
  11. 19. She ____________ly arranged her house because guests were coming over and she wanted it to look nice.
  12. 20. She was welcoming and __________. Everyone felt comfortable in her presence.