The stranger vocab

  1. 4. to be in the military you have to have a lot of this
  2. 5. immoral conduct
  3. 6. showing warm friendliness
  4. 7. lacking energy
  5. 10. to appease
  6. 11. to express criticism
  7. 13. very careful with details
  8. 14. to punish in order to correct
  9. 16. something that is pointless
  10. 18. a talkative person is described as
  1. 1. reasonable
  2. 2. to be precise in action/words
  3. 3. small in quantity
  4. 8. similar to evasion
  5. 9. people with poor communication skills are
  6. 12. a friendly person can be described as
  7. 15. angry at something unjust
  8. 16. intense feeling
  9. 17. Evil/bad intention