The Stranger

  1. 5. A literary genre that tells an imaginary story
  2. 7. Author of "The Stranger"
  3. 8. Last name of the family in this story
  4. 9. Chris Van Allsburg also works as an _____
  5. 11. The person who writes a book
  6. 12. To have a great interest in something
  7. 14. The mood of the story "The Stranger"
  8. 15. An imaginary story that contains unrealistic events
  9. 17. Dull, lacking color
  1. 1. Someone who lives alone away from other people
  2. 2. The stranger lost this when he was hit by the truck
  3. 3. Happening once in awhile
  4. 4. Something that is strange or unusual
  5. 6. To quickly and suddenly run away
  6. 10. Shaking slightly
  7. 13. Shy, unsure
  8. 16. Another name for the season "Fall"