The Stranger

  1. 4. Extremely poor; lacking necessities like food and shelter
  2. 6. Bribing someone to get them to cooperate
  3. 9. Feeling of extreme anger
  4. 10. To articulate one by one
  5. 13. A high point of land or rock projecting into a body of water
  6. 15. The act or instance of resigning something
  7. 19. Done by stealth, sly
  8. 20. Deserving or causing hatred
  9. 21. Having qualities of a Muslim living in North Africa.
  10. 22. Attendants, faithful followers
  11. 23. Expressions of sympathy with another in grief
  1. 1. A watch kept during normal sleeping hours, especially over the body of a recently deceased or dying person
  2. 2. Violent uncontrollable shaking movement
  3. 3. Indulging in sexual pleasure
  4. 5. To whirl or go around and around
  5. 7. Doubtful or questionable
  6. 8. A container in which incense is burned
  7. 9. Calm all the time
  8. 11. To speak incoherently, chatter, gibber; incoherent talk
  9. 12. A line of attendants
  10. 13. One that murders his or her father, mother or close relative
  11. 14. To make perfect
  12. 16. A temporary or movable platform for workers
  13. 17. A tiny bright flash of light
  14. 18. Localized collection of pus at the site of an infection