The sugar conspiracy

  1. 1. the writer uses a war ________ to describe the fight over sugar
  2. 3. (2 words) idiom meaning that the conditions are in your favour (para 4)
  3. 6. what Lustig calls fructose
  4. 8. according to para 10, who has not been blamed?
  5. 11. wrong (para 12)
  6. 12. official advice from experts
  7. 13. predict the future (para 11)
  8. 14. an upper limit (and a kind of hat)
  9. 15. speedily, without delay
  10. 17. damaging
  11. 18. the guilty ones
  12. 20. well known, high profile
  13. 21. illness that has risen alongside obesity
  1. 2. people who contradict mainstream views (para 13)
  2. 4. things added to our food
  3. 5. bad guy (para 5)
  4. 6. something done after someone has died
  5. 7. term for being very overweight
  6. 9. verb which collocates with 'alarm'
  7. 10. a disaster
  8. 16. butter substitute
  9. 19. (3 words) idiom meaning to have no success