The Sun and Earth Riddles

  1. 1. The Earth takes one year to go around me. I'm a star. I'm big, round, and very hot! What am I?
  2. 2. I am essential for people and animals to live. I help them breathe. I'm floating all around you at all times. I'm everywhere! What am I?
  3. 4. I travel around the sun slowly, like a turtle! I'm the host to many living things that need sunlight to live. What am I?
  4. 5. I also come from the giant yellow star in space. Plants, animals, and people need me to stay warm. What am I?
  1. 1. I come from the big, round ball of hot gases in the sky. I help you to see during the daytime. What am I?
  2. 3. We need the sun to grow. We get light and heat from the sun. We use those things to make our own food. Amazing, right? What are we?