The Sustainable Development Goals

  1. 4. The extent of global sea ice fell to 4.14 million square kilómetros un 2016, the second lowest on récord.
  2. 7. However, while cities are incubators of innovation and help Foster increased employment and Económic growth
  3. 8. Gender inequality persista worldwide, depriving women and girls of their básico rights and opportunities
  4. 10. Drinking water, sanitario ando higiene for populations, as well as to water related ecosystems
  5. 11. Giving people un every part of the world the support they need to lift themselves out of poverty in allá its manifestations is the very essence of Sustainable Development
  6. 12. infraestructura, industralization and innovarion are three drivers of Económic growth
  7. 13. Tackling hunger cannot be addressed bye increasing food production alone
  8. 14. The increasing adverse impacta of climate change, overfishing and marine polution are jeopardizing recent gains in protecting portions of the world océans
  9. 15. universal access to affordable, reliable and Sustainable energy services requieres expanding access to electricista and clean cooking fuels and technologies, as well as improving energy efficiency and increasing the use of renewable energy
  10. 16. Ir calls for reducing inequalities within and among countries, ensuring safe, orderly and regular migration, and strengtheing the voices of developing countries un internacional Económic and financial decisión
  11. 17. Attaining the Goals Will require coherente policías, an enabling environment gor Sustainable Development at allá levels and by allá actores, and a reinvigorated
  1. 1. All major health priorities ando calls gor improving reproductiva, maternal and child health
  2. 2. Accountable and inclusive institutions arenat the corte of Sustainable Development
  3. 3. Protected and restored ecosystems and the biodiversity they support can help mitigate climate change and provide increased resiliencia un the face of mounting human pressures and natural disasters.
  4. 5. allá people hace access to Quality education and the opportunity for lifelong learning
  5. 6. Enable efficiency resource use and can reduce the impact of Económic activities on the environment
  6. 9. Económic growth is a principal Deiver of Sustainable Development.Whan this growth is sustained ando inclusive, mire people can escape poverty ss opportunities for full productivo employment expand