The Systems of our body

  1. 5. the 'breathing in and then composing the oxygen into energy' system
  2. 7. river of red
  3. 9. breathing bags to hold your breath
  4. 10. another name for process
  5. 12. things that make our body move
  6. 14. the ________ system is about our bones
  7. 16. stomach ____
  8. 18. I dont care about my hair to breathe fair in the ___
  9. 19. the little flap that separates air from food
  1. 1. the more you have the faster you go
  2. 2. the loving muscle
  3. 3. the food hole
  4. 4. bind bones to other bones
  5. 6. the ________ syatem is about how our body moves
  6. 8. just make sure the 'ure' in gesture dosen't di.
  7. 11. the stuff that helps the mouth break down the food
  8. 13. so you don't die-r when you digest food
  9. 15. bind muscles to bones
  10. 17. the usless stuff