The Tales of Sherlock Holmes: The Hound of the Baskervilles

  1. 4. A noisy, lively drinking party (pg.442)
  2. 8. The display of strong feeling; passion (pg.563)
  3. 9. In the nature of, due to, or characterized by reverence, or respect. (pg.581)
  4. 10. (Of a person, manner, or gesture) displaying or having a disinclination for physical exertion or effort;slow and relaxed (pg.469)
  5. 12. Damage the reputation (of someone or something) in the opinion of others (pg.478)
  6. 13. Hoped for but illusory or impossible to achieve (pg.449)
  7. 15. Messy or dirty (especially of a person or their appearance) (pg.437)
  8. 18. Having a relatively long skull (pg.438)
  9. 19. Being annoyed, frustrated, or worried (pg.470)
  10. 20. A failure in reasoning which makes an argument invalid (pg.435)
  1. 1. Accurately assessing situations or people; perceptively (pg.456)
  2. 2. Severe or strict in manner, attitude, or appearance (pg.485)
  3. 3. Eager or quick to argue, quarrel, or fight (pg.461)
  4. 5. A sudden attack or violent expression of a particular emotion or activity (pg.567)
  5. 6. Prominent or overhanging (pg.566)
  6. 7. Absolute; unqualified (pg.572)
  7. 11. Bad tempered or irritable (pg.513)
  8. 14. A ring or cap, typically metal that strengthens the end of a stick or handle to keep it from wearing (pg.434)
  9. 16. Wrong or incorrect (pg.496)
  10. 17. (Of a wall or building) having battlements (pg.491)