"The Tell-Tale Heart" Review

  1. 3. a rhythmic tapping or drumming
  2. 4. The narrator says he treats the old man with ___ the week before the murder.
  3. 6. The old man dies from _____.
  4. 8. Which of the narrator's senses does he say is most acute?
  5. 11. The narrator insists that he is not ____ in the first paragraph.
  6. 12. The narrator uses this item to kill the old man.
  7. 16. What sound does the old man make when he wakes up, that makes the narrator pity him?
  8. 17. This type of irony is used when the reader knows the narrator is mad, but the narrator argues he is sane
  9. 18. The narrator thinks he hears this at the end of the story.
  10. 19. The sound of the dead man's beating heart could symbolize the murderer's __.
  11. 21. This type of irony is used when the narrator says, "I loved the old man."
  12. 22. A person who has great knowledge or insight
  13. 24. The narrator admits to feeling ___ in the first paragraph of the story.
  14. 25. The narrator worries that the ____ will hear him commit the crime.
  15. 27. a private room, especially a bedroom
  16. 29. This type of irony is used when the narrator takes a lot of care to hide the body but confesses anyway
  17. 31. On which night does the narrator kill the old man?
  18. 32. The narrator says he killed the old man because of his evil ___.
  19. 33. The narrator claims that the old man's eye was ___.
  20. 34. The old man becomes frightened when the narrator's thumb slips on the lantern's ___.
  1. 1. The narrator does this to the old man's body after he is dead.
  2. 2. The narrator ___ when he hears the anxiety-provoking sound as he's talking to the police.
  3. 5. It is ___ that the old man is afraid of robbers.
  4. 7. The narrator of the story is a good example of a(n) ____ narrator.
  5. 9. The full name of the author who wrote this story
  6. 10. The narrator compares the old man's beating heart to the sound of a watch enveloped in ___.
  7. 13. The narrator tells the story using the ___ person perspective.
  8. 14. Poe uses this punctuation to convey agitation or nervousness in the narrator.
  9. 15. Vocabulary: A sharp or strong sensation
  10. 20. "Tell-tale" is another way of saying ____.
  11. 23. Vocabulary: To form or devise a plan or idea in the mind
  12. 26. a piece of lumber of small cross-section
  13. 28. The narrator hides the body in this location.
  14. 30. The narrator removes this number of boards from the floor.