The ten commandments

  1. 3. Love the lord your God, and serve Him with all your ______.
  2. 4. You shall ______murder.
  3. 5. What was the name of the mountain where Moses got the ten commandments..Mount _____.
  4. 6. When Moses saw the people worshiping idols, he became so angry that he ______the ten commandments.
  5. 8. You shall honor your Father and your ______.
  6. 11. What food did God provide for the people as they traveled to the promise land.
  7. 12. You shall not commit ________.
  8. 13. God's angel and the cloud pillar guided the Israelites to the ______land.
  9. 15. You shall have no other ______.
  10. 17. You shall not give ______testimony against your neighbor.
  11. 19. You shall not ______your neighbor's house.
  1. 1. On top of the mountain, there was lightning and _______.
  2. 2. When the people became thirsty, God told Moses to use his staff to strike a _______.
  3. 6. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that _______ to your neighbor.
  4. 7. Moses stayed on top of the mountain with God for _______days and nights.
  5. 9. God said, " I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of ______."
  6. 10. He was Moses' older brother.
  7. 14. What were the Israelites worshiping when Moses came down from the mountain?
  8. 16. You shall not misuse the _____of the Lord your God.
  9. 18. You shall ______steal.