The thing about jellyfish

  1. 2. Deny or decline; put down something.
  2. 4. Happening in a cronological order.
  3. 7. Conclusively; final.
  4. 8. A Japanese verse; type of poem.
  5. 9. Free of germs.
  6. 10. realized beforehand.
  7. 13. produced
  8. 15. Happening at the same time.
  9. 17. a plot made by two or more people.
  1. 1. A written agreement.
  2. 3. A person that studies the origin of the universe.
  3. 5. dried up
  4. 6. Needs immediate attention.
  5. 10. Study of the human body and its parts.
  6. 11. Intense pain!
  7. 12. A small particle.
  8. 14. distrustful
  9. 16. feel intense sorrow.