The Town That Put The World on Wheels

  1. 1. rise, go up
  2. 3. someone employed by a boss
  3. 5. when a company has no money and fails
  4. 8. a manufacture
  5. 10. a center of activity
  6. 11. go down, make less
  7. 13. a car (mainly US word)
  8. 15. a synonym for factory
  9. 16. a famous American car company
  10. 17. "syndicat" in English
  11. 19. give a form
  12. 20. when you owe money to someone
  1. 2. "économie" in English
  2. 4. "payer" in English
  3. 6. when someone is not employed
  4. 7. which costs little money
  5. 9. have enough money to buy something
  6. 12. the state in which Detroit is
  7. 14. "industrie" in English
  8. 18. salary