  1. 1. it's a simple phone
  2. 3. preferred IoT platform (two words)
  3. 5. look here for certified devices
  4. 9. Devices talk to this
  5. 10. Widget holder
  6. 11. How to access the network (plural)
  7. 12. what we offer (two words)
  8. 14. how it works
  9. 15. embedded or electronic
  10. 19. smart RAN (two words)
  11. 22. figure out what's wrong
  12. 28. Shortest path across a circle
  13. 29. This is not the balet
  14. 34. Allows our customer to play (two words)
  15. 35. fishing for business
  16. 36. Where we're going
  17. 37. it's not going to move (two words)
  18. 38. TMo profile holder
  19. 39. The VIP section (two words)
  1. 2. Website
  2. 4. highlight the OEMs (two words)
  3. 6. Like roaming but not
  4. 7. handheld devices (two words)
  5. 8. Second level provider
  6. 13. All the way aroung
  7. 16. The world of M2M (two words)
  8. 17. Machine 2 machine
  9. 18. Fresh ideas create ___ _____ (two words)
  10. 20. where we are
  11. 21. I stand alone or not
  12. 23. Command me
  13. 24. Device management
  14. 25. not fatband
  15. 26. Fourth generation
  16. 27. Magenta kitty
  17. 30. an overlay picture (plural)
  18. 31. signed deals
  19. 32. I'm never home (two words)
  20. 33. The TMo advantage (two words)