The Tragedy of Julius Caesar

  1. 1. A method of persuasion using logic and reasoning.
  2. 3. It was reported that Caesar refused the crown _________ times.
  3. 4. A method of persuasion using emotions.
  4. 8. Shakespeare includes the scene in which Cinna the Poet is taken away to show how _________ and irrational ancient Roman mobs could be.
  5. 9. What mood does the storm set in Act I, scene iii? (Think back to the RAFT writing vocabulary words).
  6. 10. A method of persuasion using ethics or credibility.
  7. 12. In Calpurnia’s interpretation of her dream, the bleeding Caesar symbolizes a _________ Caesar.
  8. 13. The Soothsayer warns Julius Caesar to beware the Ides of this month.
  9. 15. In Act I, Brutus fears the people have given this to Julius Caesar.
  10. 16. Which character does Brutus think is weak and powerless, but who proves to be the opposite?
  11. 17. Who says, “Caesar, thou art revenged even with the sword that killed thee”?
  1. 2. In Act 5, Cassius believe the ravens, crows, and kites represent bad _________.
  2. 5. The Greek term for a character’s excessive pride.
  3. 6. This character took their own life by swallowing coals (“fire”) in Act IV.
  4. 7. When Cassius suggests that they also kill Antony when they kill Caesar, Brutus argues to let Antony _________.
  5. 11. Brutus’ image of Caesar as a snake suggests the danger of _________.
  6. 14. This character loved Caesar, but loved Rome more.