- 3. The pirates were already on the ______.
- 8. The magic took them to an island with palm trees and golden _______.
- 9. The key was ________.
- 11. This time the children quickly found the treasure ______.
- 12. "That's a ______ ship!" said Biff.
- 13. "Are you looking for Big Jim's _________?"
- 1. The captain held one hand up _____.
- 2. They went inside to draw the ______.
- 4. The children _____ and ______.
- 5. At home, the children _______ the garden again.
- 6. The children were _______ their steps.
- 7. "I was helping the ______," said Anneena.
- 10. "We are making a map of the _______," Biff told Mum.
- 13. "The treasure is ________ steps north of the red rock."