The trial

  1. 2. Someone who is getting accused ex: Josef K, in his trial, is the _____
  2. 3. the possibility to defend your case, also the capacity of perceiving sounds
  3. 5. judge of high importance in charge administrating the law for complex criminal cases
  4. 7. to release someone,judgement of someone that is not guitly of what they have been accused of
  5. 9. objects or money offered to get something from someone
  6. 11. said of a lawyer that uses illegal or fraudulent ways to win a case
  7. 12. the action to question someone intensely, aggressively
  8. 14. a transformation, the title of another book from Franz Kafka
  1. 1. action to catch someone in a trap
  2. 3. violent criminal,gangster ex: I got mugged by these scums, these little ________
  3. 4. said of someone who is intelligent, cunning
  4. 6. group of people gathered in a place for a specific reason
  5. 8. place where a trial takes place ex: Josef K. almost fainted in the ________
  6. 10. without reason, ex : Josef K.'s trial is completely ______
  7. 13. unrefined, impolite person ex: The officers in Josef K.'s room were absolute ___