The Trojan War/ After the Trojan War

  1. 4. Impregnated by Zeus in the form of a swan
  2. 5. wasn't invited to the marriage feast
  3. 6. Mother of Achilles
  4. 11. King of Sparta
  5. 13. Wife of Agamemnon
  6. 15. prophet who wasn't believed
  7. 18. King of the winds
  8. 21. Daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra
  9. 23. God who hated Odysseus
  10. 24. turned Odysseus's men to pigs
  11. 25. Cyclopes blinded by Odysseus
  12. 28. Wife of Odysseus
  13. 29. Odysseus heard them and survived
  14. 30. Wears armor of Achilles
  15. 31. Father to Helen
  1. 1. Comes up with the Trojan horse plan
  2. 2. Son of Odysseus and Penelope
  3. 3. King of Mycenae
  4. 7. Grew up and kills his mother and stepfather
  5. 8. kingdom of Agamemnon
  6. 9. Kingdom of Odysseus
  7. 10. nymph that Odysseus lived with for 7 years
  8. 12. Goddess who promised Paris a beautiful woman
  9. 14. Pursued Orestes for killing his mother
  10. 16. Kingdom the Greeks defeated
  11. 17. a priest that warned Trojans about the horse
  12. 19. most beautiful woman in the world
  13. 20. Kills Patroclus
  14. 22. Had a prophecy that he would die at Troy
  15. 25. Prophecy: cause the destruction of Troy
  16. 26. Menelaus's kingdom
  17. 27. King of Troy