The Unicorn Hunt Crossword Puzzle

  1. 5. A female domestic servent who works in a kitchen
  2. 6. Delicately small and pretty.
  3. 9. Gawaine, Agravaine, Gatheris, and Gareth were the nephews of ___________________.
  4. 11. Agravine _______ the unicorn.
  5. 13. What did they tie Meg up to?
  6. 14. Meg didn't want a _______.
  7. 15. Who was the kitchen maid?
  8. 16. Meg was a ________.
  9. 18. Who was the queen of Orkney?
  10. 19. What country did they grow up in?
  11. 20. To track or kill a animal for fun or for food.
  1. 1. The son of a monarch
  2. 2. Sir Grummore, Sir Pellinore, and Sir ________ capture a unicorn.
  3. 3. Who was the youngest prince of Orkney?
  4. 4. A mythical horse-like creature
  5. 7. Who was the bully of the family?
  6. 8. Who was the oldest prince of Orkney?
  7. 10. Transport or carry to a place
  8. 12. A witch
  9. 17. To cut open and remove internal organs.