The Unicorn Hunt- Payton Howell

  1. 1. Who is the kitchen maid?
  2. 4. To cut an animals insides out
  3. 6. Does cleaning of the house
  4. 10. Who is the queen of Orkeny?
  5. 12. How many times did Agravaine get sick?
  6. 13. What did Agravaine want to cut off
  7. 14. What did Gareth call Agravaine?
  8. 16. What was used to pull the unicorn part of the way?
  9. 19. How often did the boys switch pulling?
  10. 22. What weapons did the boys take with them?
  11. 23. What was used for bait as a unicorn?
  12. 24. Where did Morgause walk before suppertime?
  1. 2. Who did not want to kill the unicorn?
  2. 3. What kind of animal was the unicorn?
  3. 5. Who is the leader of the hunt?
  4. 7. where this story takes place
  5. 8. What color was the unicorn?
  6. 9. Purple flowers
  7. 11. What was done to the boys after they return?
  8. 15. What did Morgause try to help the knights capture?
  9. 17. The boys uncle
  10. 18. How did Gareth feel after running from the gralloch?
  11. 20. Agravaine was the most _____
  12. 21. who was the bully of the family
  13. 22. Someone who cuts up meat