The United States Constitution

  1. 4. Compromise that settled the debate between large and small states
  2. 6. Amendment that abolished slavery
  3. 9. Number of articles in the US Constitution
  4. 11. Founding Father who proposed the Virginia Plan
  5. 12. Branch of government outlined in Article I
  6. 13. State representation based on population in this plan
  7. 14. Author of the Federalist Papers
  8. 15. Branch of government outlined in Article II
  1. 1. Term for the first ten amendments to the Constitution
  2. 2. Plan that proposed a unicameral legislature
  3. 3. Number of amendments in the Bill of Rights
  4. 5. First three words of the Constitution
  5. 7. that guarantees freedom of speech
  6. 8. Term for a system of government where power is divided between a central authority and states
  7. 10. Plan that proposed equal representation for all states