The Universe

  1. 4. a small ball compacted of infinite density and heat
  2. 7. the point farthest away from the sun
  3. 8. an oval shape in which planets orbit in
  4. 9. the process or result of joining two or more things together to for, a single entity
  5. 11. planets that have larger masses, larger sizes, and closer to the sun
  6. 12. planets that have extra large masses, sizes, and are farther away from the sun
  7. 13. a cloud of dust and gas; the beginning of a stars life cycle
  8. 14. the action of dividing or splitting something into 2 or more parts
  1. 1. the leading theory of how the universe began
  2. 2. the brightness of a star is known as its _______
  3. 3. the force of _______ is determined by distance and mass
  4. 4. the winds that pushed all of the gases to the outer planets causing two kinds of planets to form
  5. 5. a star that increases greatly in brightness, making an explosion in which causes an ejection of mass from the star
  6. 6. the point closest to the sun
  7. 10. a law created by observing the redshift of light emitted by stars and galaxies; proving our galaxy is expanding