The Universe

  1. 3. A tool to see distant stars and planets.
  2. 6. The word for things related to the moon.
  3. 8. Lights in the sky caused by solar winds.
  4. 13. The sun and the objects that orbit it.
  5. 15. A large object orbiting a star.
  6. 16. A group of stars, gas, and dust bound together.
  7. 17. A streak of light from a falling space rock.
  8. 18. The path of a planet or moon.
  9. 19. Everything that exists: space, stars, and galaxies.
  10. 21. Another word for the universe.
  11. 23. The planet we live on.
  12. 24. The hottest planet in our solar system.
  13. 26. The planet with bright rings.
  14. 31. When one celestial body blocks another.
  15. 34. A planet that rotates on its side.
  16. 35. A space object with a glowing tail.
  17. 36. A galaxy closest to the Milky Way.
  18. 37. The vast emptiness beyond Earth's atmosphere.
  19. 38. The distance light travels in one year.
  20. 40. A rapidly spinning star that sends out signals.
  1. 1. The science of studying stars and space.
  2. 2. Earth's natural satellite.
  3. 4. The star at the center of our solar system.
  4. 5. The force that pulls objects together.
  5. 7. The word for things related to the sun.
  6. 9. A small rocky object in space.
  7. 10. The largest planet in our solar system.
  8. 11. The study of how stars might affect people.
  9. 12. A space object with gravity so strong, light can't escape.
  10. 14. The red planet.
  11. 20. A machine or moon that orbits a planet.
  12. 22. A colorful cloud of gas and dust in space.
  13. 25. A bright object in the night sky.
  14. 27. The farthest planet in our solar system.
  15. 28. A person who travels in space.
  16. 29. The start of the universe.
  17. 30. The galaxy that contains our solar system.
  18. 32. The North Star.
  19. 33. A vehicle used to travel into space.
  20. 39. The line where Earth and sky appear to meet.