The Universe and the Solar System

  1. 3. Belt This lies between the planet Mars and Jupiter.
  2. 5. These orbit the planets.
  3. 8. The shape of the orbits on which the planets revolve.
  4. 11. System Sun, planets, moons, asteroids and comets make up this.
  5. 12. The path taken by planets to revolve around the sun.
  1. 1. This word means whole or complete.
  2. 2. A group of stars that seem to make a pattern.
  3. 4. A dwarf planet.
  4. 6. We look through this to see much more of the vast space.
  5. 7. Planet First four planets together are also known by this name.
  6. 9. Ganga Hindi name of our galaxy.
  7. 10. A big group or a cluster of stars.
  8. 13. Bang The universe started with this.