The Urinary System

  1. 1. liquid waste discharged from bladder
  2. 4. excessive waste in blood
  3. 7. network of small blood vessels
  4. 8. outer layer of a body organ
  5. 11. carries urine away from the bladder
  6. 14. removes/filters waste from blood
  7. 15. involuntary loss of urine
  8. 18. acts as a reservoir for urine
  9. 19. surgical removal of the bladder
  10. 20. treatment to remove fluids/waste from body
  11. 22. act of emptying the bladder
  12. 23. lack of insulin production
  1. 1. carries urine outside of the body
  2. 2. tube for injecting/removing fluids
  3. 3. painful urination
  4. 5. blood in the urine
  5. 6. microscopic filter in the kidneys
  6. 8. inflammation of the bladder
  7. 9. lack of urine production
  8. 10. waste in the blood
  9. 12. compound to increase urine volume
  10. 13. glucose in the urine
  11. 16. cup-like region of renal pelvis
  12. 17. absence of urine production
  13. 21. small artery