The Vampire Diaries

  1. 2. poison to vampires
  2. 4. vampires diet
  3. 5. the place where TVD is set
  4. 7. elenas disliked friend
  5. 11. ship name for Damon and Elena
  6. 12. katherine and Elena
  7. 13. the original family
  8. 16. elenas biological father
  9. 17. the aunt of Elena and Jeremy
  10. 19. last name of Elena and Jeremy
  11. 20. last name of Stefan and Damon
  12. 21. turned Stefan and Damon
  1. 1. comes out at a full moon
  2. 3. elenas birth mum
  3. 6. mind control
  4. 8. a Lockwood werewolf
  5. 9. protects vampires from sun
  6. 10. last name of Caroline
  7. 14. liz Forbes job
  8. 15. original hybrid
  9. 18. can do magic/supernatural