The Veldt Crossword

  1. 2. A possession of Lydia's
  2. 5. What the kids decided to make the nursery turn into
  3. 9. The Father of Wendy and Peter
  4. 11. Visually descriptive or figurative language
  5. 13. What happened to George and Lydia
  6. 14. The age of Wendy and Peter
  7. 16. A word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable
  8. 17. The Mother of Wendy and Peter
  9. 18. To think of
  10. 19. A system capable of reproducing selected scents capable of fooling the human nervous system.
  11. 20. The name of the house
  1. 1. The type of siblings Wendy and Peter are considered
  2. 3. An indirect or passing reference
  3. 4. A possession of George
  4. 6. The Psychaiatrist
  5. 7. Grassland
  6. 8. The room that George and Lydia get trapped in
  7. 10. What the kids are obsessed with in the nursery (crystal walls)
  8. 12. What George wants the kids to change the nursery to
  9. 15. An adjective that represents the kids