  1. 1. Verbs denote neither actions nor states
  2. 4. Verbs don't have their own meaning in the sentence and can't be translated into Ukrainian
  3. 8. The form which is usually expressed by auxiliary verb do and negative particle not.
  4. 9. This form of the verb doesn't express person tense and mood.
  5. 11. Verbs usually followed ny nouns or prouns that act as direct object
  6. 13. The mood which is used to represent an action as a real fact.
  7. 14. When the subject is acting we say that the subject is...
  1. 2. The forms of of the verb which are used in the function of a predicate are called...
  2. 3. The mood, which represents an action not as a real fact but as something that would take place under certain conditions.
  3. 5. Verbs that form Past Simple and Past Participle by adding -ed or -d to the bare infinitive.
  4. 6. When the subject is receiving the action, we say that the subject is...
  5. 7. How many forms does notional verb have?
  6. 10. A grammatical term which is used to tell whether the subject of the sentence acting or is receiving the action expressed by the verb.
  7. 12. The mood, which is used to express a command or request.