The Victorian Era

  1. 1. One's judgement of what is important in life
  2. 3. An acceptance that something is true or exists without proof
  3. 6. Their discovery helped remove diseases
  4. 7. The beliefs, values and tastes of this time period were based on hers
  5. 8. A status of hierarchy based on the basis of wealth and prestige
  6. 10. Victorians loved reading about their stories in Africa and S America
  7. 14. Several adventurers traveled this continent extensively
  8. 15. Dog Fights, Dog-and-bull fighting and Bear-knuckle boxing are example of this
  9. 16. an example of a new invention in the medical field
  1. 2. Lead to increased global travel
  2. 4. Growing taste for amusement lead to the development of these
  3. 5. Having a ____ was not popular because it meant you worked outside
  4. 9. These were more focused on local gossip
  5. 11. Steam Ships and Steam Locomotive allowed for this
  6. 12. Advancements in _____ were made with this through new inventions
  7. 13. This disease wiped out several First Nations Villages on the BC Coast