The Vocab

  1. 2. to attempt to equal or surpass
  2. 4. to beautify by adding ornaments
  3. 5. to put into rage
  4. 7. to put up with to carryon
  5. 9. to study insects
  6. 10. to cordinate an outfit, a musical group
  7. 12. deeply learned , scholory
  8. 14. to lure to attack
  9. 16. to send or give out
  1. 1. to alude or avoid
  2. 2. pleasing to the ear
  3. 3. to pass or go by
  4. 6. to place in or as if in a tomb
  5. 8. to surround or enclose
  6. 9. to delight to thrill
  7. 10. to ask earnestly , to implore
  8. 11. small, sprightly, mischievous
  9. 13. to personify, to give bodily form
  10. 14. to dig up to bring to light
  11. 15. to call forth