The Watchmen

  1. 3. super hero in relation ship with nightowl helps brake rorschach out of jail.
  2. 4. retierd super villan who rorschach vists multiply times in the story.
  3. 5. city ware the book manly takes place.
  4. 7. author of Watchmen
  5. 9. killed half of New York to save the whole world also goes by the world's smartest man.
  6. 10. superhero who gained powers after being exposed to radiation.
  1. 1. the act that made superheros illegal.
  2. 2. super hero with lots of gadjets helps brake rorshach out of jail.
  3. 6. superhero who is killed during the start of the book.
  4. 8. superhero who wears a white mask with black markings over it.