The West

  1. 3. Mining- Searching for gold by using pans to wash gold nuggets out of loose rocks
  2. 7. drive- moving cattle from distant range to busy railroad centers that shipped cattle to market
  3. 9. Mining- Method that uses mining under high pressure to blast away gravel and dirt
  4. 12. Board- Something cowboys said when they were telling the truth(honest)
  5. 13. Sour- What cowboys said when horses only wanted to stay in the barn
  6. 14. Trail- One of the earliest and most popular routes for cattle drives
  7. 17. An Undeveloped Area
  8. 18. the women of the tribes would remove the toxins from the pulp and create flour
  9. 19. Rock Mining- It requires cutting deep shafts in solid rock to extract the ore
  10. 20. Towns- communities that grew suddenly when a mine opened
  1. 1. Easy to build, to move, and made up of wood,leaves, and brush
  2. 2. Kingdom- The great plains from Texas to Canada, where many ranchers raised cattle in the late 1800’s is called
  3. 4. Drive- One of the cowboy’s most important and dangerous duties was the
  4. 5. A crop that Native Americans in the west planted that would later become an important cash crop
  5. 6. people generally identified with family based bands
  6. 8. what a cowboy called someone young or new to the job
  7. 10. Lode- A huge deposit of Gold and silver in Nevada discovered by Henry Comstock in 1859
  8. 11. The Great Basin Natives were the first to create what to aid the fishing
  9. 15. case-what did cowboys call a hat
  10. 16. A greeting cowboys said to people