The White Spider's Gift

  1. 3. The gift Kuma gives the princess.
  2. 6. One characteristic of Kuma.
  3. 7. What the old woman and girl gave to the spider.
  4. 11. The contest that Piki wins.
  5. 13. The setting of the play.
  6. 14. To frown in an angry way.
  7. 16. To make or say with a low, soft sound.
  1. 1. One characteristic of Piki (vocabulary word).
  2. 2. Another word for complicated.
  3. 4. How Kuma often talks to others.
  4. 5. The gift Duba gives the princess.
  5. 8. The name of the main character.
  6. 9. Who makes the veil?
  7. 10. The Cheftian's daughter.
  8. 12. In the end, Piki was the one who was ___.
  9. 15. The gift that Piki gives the princess.