The Wild West

  1. 1. Cowboys often wore a _ over their face to keep dust out of their mouth
  2. 5. Cattle farmers sometimes went on _ over a 1000 miles
  3. 6. Buffalo almost became_ because they were hunted so heavily
  4. 12. Lincoln Who was the Homestead Act signed by
  5. 14. This railroad was just complete and made travel easy
  6. 15. Animal that was commonly hunted in the west
  7. 18. People travel out west to start
  8. 20. The West was often referred to as the _ west
  1. 2. Americans The number of new settlers affected the_
  2. 3. The cattle markets were _
  3. 4. Had a problem getting to the market
  4. 7. _ settlers came because they heard there was equality
  5. 8. farmers till the ground to plant this
  6. 9. First name of the woman who wrote Little House on the prairie
  7. 10. You had to be this age to be the head of a household
  8. 11. Country that invented cattle raising
  9. 13. Famers who drove cattle were called this
  10. 16. is One of a cowboy's biggest fears
  11. 17. A cowboy's workday was this many hours
  12. 19. Cowboys often carried this on their hip