The Winter War

  1. 3. A location of a framed act of aggression
  2. 4. The Soviet expessed worries about the safety of this city.
  3. 6. This was higher on Finnish side than Stalin had expected
  4. 7. Foreign minister of the USSR
  5. 8. a symbol of an army in the soldier's hat
  6. 9. The Finns had only 114 of these.
  7. 10. Finland got this from Great Britain and France
  8. 13. An important skill to the Finns in the Winter War
  1. 1. The largest of the areas lost in the Winter War
  2. 2. the president of Finland
  3. 5. Finland belonged to The Soviet Union's sphere of
  4. 11. A town that was made a Soviet naval base after the war
  5. 12. Molotov cocktail