The Wise Old Woman Vocab

  1. 3. The young lord __________ the farmer for his wise answers and for saving the village.
  2. 4. There was a great __________ (noise and chaos) when Lord Higa's men came to threaten to overthrow the village if they could to solve the riddle.
  3. 7. When they were given the riddle(s), the wise men of the village looked at the lord in __________ and did not have any answers.
  4. 8. The young lord looked _________ at the older people and said they had no value as they were too old and could not contribute.
  5. 10. Lord Higa was __________ that the villagers were able to solve the riddles and therefore let them live freely at the end of the story.
  6. 11. In the village anyone over the age of 71 was __________ to the woods to die.
  1. 1. __________, the farmer's willingness to break the law in saving his mother also ended up saving the village.
  2. 2. It is through the _________ that older people have that that we can learn how to be wise.
  3. 5. My students are always __________.
  4. 6. In this story we learned that there is a lot of __________ to be found in older people, they know things younger people do not.
  5. 9. the young farmed worked hard to __________ everyone so that they would not know his mother was still alive and hiding in the house.