"The Word of God Grew and Multiplied"

  1. 2. "God is no _________ of persons." Acts 10
  2. 6. Peter saw these in his dream, "_____ of the air," Acts 10
  3. 7. A name for people who follow Christ
  4. 9. The brother of John who was killed by Herod the king, Acts 12
  5. 10. Cornelius was told by and angel to send men to Joppa and call for this person, Acts 10
  6. 12. "Heavenly Father teaches me ____ upon line through revelation"
  7. 15. The unbelieving ____ stirred up the Gentiles against the apostles, Acts 14
  8. 16. "...He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the _______ of God." Articles of Faith 1:9
  9. 17. The people of Lystra called Paul this, when they heard of his healing of a crippled man, Acts 14
  10. 19. These fell from Peter's hands when being rescued from prison, Acts 12
  1. 1. He became the leader of the Church on earth when Jesus died
  2. 3. The angel saved Peter from this place, Acts 12
  3. 4. ..."a centurion of the band called the Italian band,...," Acts 10
  4. 5. "It is written, That man shall not live by _____ alone..." Luke 4
  5. 7. Peter saw these in his dream, "________ things," Acts 10
  6. 8. Cornelius gave much _____ to the people, Acts 10
  7. 11. The gospel was preached to Jew and _______
  8. 13. Peter saw these in his dream, "____ beasts," Acts 10
  9. 14. Peter saw these in his dream, "four footed ______," Acts 10
  10. 18. She hearkened at the door of Mary's house when Peter came to knock, Acts 12