- 2. The place a football game is place.
- 4. the grass where a football game is played
- 6. tournoi
- 8. pays qui accueille la Coupe du Monde
- 11. perdant
- 12. Demi finale
- 13. (verbe) To start the game.
- 14. three goals scored by the same player in one game
- 17. a footballer whose main job in the team is scoring goals
- 18. (verbe) faire la compétition /rivaliser / disputer un titre
- 19. the people who support a team
- 20. s'inscrire (dans un club)
- 21. équipe
- 1. Quart de finale
- 3. The area where the fans sit (also : the bleachers)
- 5. a place where a cultural or sporting activity takes place
- 7. Champion du monde
- 9. gagnant
- 10. Finale
- 15. match éliminatoire
- 16. a game that ends with both teams having the same score(se dit aussi "a tie")