The youth criminal Justice Act

  1. 3. Works with at- risk and criminalized women
  2. 5. Control by one power over a dependent area or people
  3. 6. A group of people who have been chosen to listen to the facts of a trial in a law court and to decide whether a person is guilty or not guilty, or whether a claim has been proved
  4. 8. This means jurors are supervised by a Jury Guard
  5. 11. involves engaging others, exercising your voice and mobilizing evidence to influence policy and practice
  6. 12. Refers to "reentry" or "resettlement"
  7. 15. Based on a combination of common law and civil law
  8. 17. Free from self-interest
  9. 18. Documented Crimes of an individual
  1. 1. The process seeks to improve a criminal's character and outlook so that he or she can function in society without committing other crimes.
  2. 2. Charity committed to just, effective, and humane responses to the causes and consequences of crime.
  3. 4. Unpaid work performed by a person or group of people for the benefit and betterment of their community without any form of compensation
  4. 7. A written law that provides rules of conduct
  5. 9. To lay a charge in a criminal matter
  6. 10. The use of force to repel an attack or imminent threat of attack directed against oneself or others or a legally protected interest.
  7. 13. Giving each person what they deserve
  8. 14. The judgment that a court formally pronounces after finding a criminal defendant guilty
  9. 16. The period specified in it as long as that period ends no more than 60 days after the day